
Adsorption Air Dryer – Working Principle And Applications

An adsorption air dryer is a unique and highly efficient type of dryer that produces compressed air. The adsorption method of drying generates compressed air with very low dew point, from -20°C to 70°C. Read bellow to learn more about how it works.

The water vapor from the compressed air is transferred to the surface by molecular forces. These materials are known as desiccants, and there are different types of desiccants which are used in the adsorption air dryers. The most popular desiccants are: silicagel, activated alumina (the most commonly used) and molecular sieves.


The adsorption air dryer has two drying towers which enable continuous drying and regeneration. First, the water molecules are being transferred into the pores of the system through diffusion. Then, the molecules are accumulated on the pore surface as a result of the condensation. The water vapor is transferred to the desiccant, because the desiccant attracts water not air. However, the attraction begins to decrease as the desiccant becomes wet, which means that the wet layer starts rising up the tower as the dry desiccant is more attractive than the wet desiccant. After one cycle time (about 3-5 minutes), the wet layer is at the top of the adsorption air dryer.

Flexible and highly efficient, the adsorption air dryer is suitable for a variety of applications, and it is used in many industry sectors. Here are the most common applications of the adsorption air dryers:

For Systems And Pneumatic Tools Protection: The adsorption air dryer is widely used for protecting systems and pneumatic tools from corrosion and rust. This dryer can protect the tubes, valves, connections and other internal components of the pneumatic motors and cylinders.

For Refrigeration Components Testing: The air from the adsorption air dryer replaces the nitrogen in the refrigeration components (such as valves and exchangers).

In Air And Pneumatic Transport Processes: The adsorption air dryers can eliminate the oil (or water) contamination in processes that use compressed air, and in pneumatic transport of moisture-sensitive products.

Painting Processes: The adsorption air dryer is used for eliminating problems caused by the presence of water (or oil) in painting processes.

Instrumentation: A dry compressed air ensures improved quality and accuracy of various instruments and controllers.