With so many baby toys available in stores (online and offline) and new ones hitting the market every year, buying the right baby toys should be a breeze. Right? It does sound simple, however toy variety, instead of making your choice easier, makes baby toys shopping complex.
Is it well made? Is it fun? Will it be interesting for my baby? These are the most common questions among parents and are probably yours too. To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of baby toys that are not only fun, bur age appropriate as well.
Birth to 3 months
In the first months, your baby will mostly appreciate baby toys that he/she can look at and listen to.
Mobile: Since your baby spends most time in a horizontal position, a mobile is a great way to add a different aspect to the world he/she sees. Choose the one that plays music and features high-contrast patterns and colours.
Unbreakable mirror: Although small to recognize himself/herself in the mirror, your baby will find own reflection fascinating.
Sensory toys: A soft toy that shakes/vibrates and makes a sound when pressed is ideal for babies at this age. The unexpected ‘chance’ squeaks will help your baby be more aware of what his/her hands do.
3 to 6 months
At this stage, your baby will start to reach for toys.
Activity center: Perfect for this age since your baby is more aware and will have fun hitting, shaking and pulling the dangling toys.
Soft stuffed animals: At this age, babies usually develop a special attachment bonds with plush animal toys. Choose the toy that is soft and easy for your baby to hold.
Soft books: Soft books are perfect for babies. There are no sharp edges; they are light, hazard-free and perfect size which will enable your baby to turn the pages as you read to him/her.
6 to 9 months
Playing is more interesting and fun as your baby can now grab toys and actually, throw, slam and pull them around.
Balls: At this age, the balls made out of fabric are perfect because they are small and light in weight. You can start with rolling the ball back and fort between the two of you and as your baby gets older, you can toss a ball across the room so he/she can crawl after it.
Push and Pull-Along Baby Toys: These are perfect for helping your baby master coordination skills as well as to improve social skills.
Wood or soft blocks: Stacking blocks boost imagination as well as motor and reasoning skills. Stack few blocks and knock them down until your baby learns how to do it on his/her own.
9 to 12 months
By this age, you baby will probably be able to make his/her way around the room. Also he/she will be more interesting in interactive games.
Shape sorters: These toys will definitely fascinate your baby. Trying to figure out which shape goes into which opening is a great challenge for early problem solvers.
Puzzles: Puzzles help enhance memory, boost problem-solving, hand-eye coordination, fine and motor skills. By figuring out where various pieces fit, your baby develops important skills while having fun.
Pretend Play Toys: Your baby is now old enough to mimic what others around him/her do. Pretend play toys, such as cooking and eating sets are perfect for boosting your baby’s imagination.