It is true that men are more prone to hair loss than women due to the male pattern baldness but women’s hair loss is not that rare as many believe. More women are faced with this problem due to stress, diet, family genes, certain medications, pregnancy, etc. Women are under pressure to always look beautiful, especially when it comes to their hair. Thus, it is understandable why women’s hair loss results in low self-esteem and depression. According to doctors, it is normal to lose fifty to hundreds hairs a day and everything over this norm is considered as women’s hair loss. In order to prevent women’s hair loss, it is necessary to know what actually causes it. Here are some of the most common women’s hair loss culprits.
Hereditary Hair Loss – No matter what you do, you cannot fight genes, especially if they are the reason for your hair loss. The most common type of women’s hair loss is Androgenetic Alopecia, which occurs due to genetic inheritance from either mother or a father. This type of women’s hair loss usually start from early 20s and can be slowed down by applying Rogaine on the scalp at least twice a day.
Low Levels Of Iron – Another thing that causes women’s hair loss is iron deficiency. Some women undergo strict diets, do not consume enough food that if high in iron, thus are more prone to anorexia. This causes women’s hair loss because red blood cells do not receive enough oxygen which also crucial for hair follicles. To prevent women’s hair loss, consume foods like beef, pork, fish, etc along with foods that are rich in vitamin C.
Childbirth – If you notice signs of hair loss after a childbirth, do not worry because it is usually temporary. During pregnancy, levels of estrogen hormones are high and drop after a childbirth. Once estrogen goes back to normal, hair shedding increases. This temporary women’s hair loss is normal and it lasts for about 3-6 months.
Polycystic Ovaries – One of the most common causes for women’s hair loss is hormonal imbalance. Women who suffer from polycistic ovaries deal not only with hair loss, but infertility, irregular periods, and facial hair growth as well. When the level of male hormone testosterone is increased, hair loss occurs and can be slowed down with the right medications to block the male hormones and prevent women’s hair loss.
Pharmaceutical Drugs – Women’s hair loss in many cases can be caused by certain types of drugs like birth control pills, beta-blockers used to treat high pressure, antidepressants or even as a result of over consuming medications that include vitamin A supplements. Talk to your doctor if think your medications cause hair loss.