Choosing The Right Vibratory Feeder

Choosing The Right Vibratory Feeder


The vibratory feeders are used heavily machines in the processing industries. They move fine and coarse materials efficiently for further packing, smearing or additional breaking operation. In processing plants all around the world, the vibratory feeders are used for measuring accurate amounts of products from the feed hoppers, and then to carefully deposit them on a conveyor belt or some other machine for packing. The vibratory feeders are often used for different types of screening operations, including: scalping, separating and removing the unneeded products that come in different sizes or shapes. For better results, appropriate feeder is required. In order to choose the right vibratory feeder, two important criteria need to be considered: the design of the vibratory feeders and the material that is going to be used.

Material Considerations

Generally, the vibratory feeders work with three types of materials: fine, medium and coarse material. Which type of material is going to be used determines the vibratory feeder that is needed. Fine materials are not suitable for traditional electro-magnetic vibratory feeders, and they tend to fluidize. Medium materials are totally opposite, they can be effectively fed with a traditional electro-magnetic vibratory feeders, and also they provide great production capacity. Coarse materials require mechanical feeders, because they come with significantly greater capacity. The moisture level can be a problem, because it can cause severe feeding issues, especially on the electro-magnetic vibratory feeders. The moisture content increases the tension on the surfaces, causing the material to build up.

Vibratory Feeders Considerations

With the latest developments on the market for construction equipment, the vibratory feeders have the capability to increase the productivity in the processing plants. The vibratory feeders reduce the energy costs and minimize the maintenance costs. When looking for the right vibratory feeder, there are many things you need to consider. One common consideration is whether you need a high-deflection vibratory feeder or not. The new generation of vibratory feeders are capable to efficiently feed fluffy, leafy and fine powder materials. With feed rates of 24 meters per minute, the high-deflection vibratory feeders can handle materials with various bulk densities. As these vibratory feeders provide lower frequency, they are also capable to handle fine materials.

The mechanical drives are still popular among the customers, and they are used for various feeding and conveying applications. However, the popular electro-magnetic vibratory feeders are reaching their peak and they have many benefits which makes them the best option on the market. Their biggest advantage is the low energy consumption, which is for 65% lower when compared with the mechanical vibratory feeders. Also, the electro-magnetic vibratory feeders include no rotating or sliding parts that can be easily damaged.