In the business world, being aware of different things is extremely important. The emergence of new medias through which we conduct various business tasks have significantly improved communications, improved work efficiency and minimized overall cost. However, as globalization process advances, in order to succeed in an environment of increased competition, businesses, small and large, are investing more time and resources in implementing different and more fruitful marketing techniques such as direct mail. Direct mail marketing, though old-fashioned for many, is still the most effective means of promoting a business, product or service.
Knowing the power of marketing and how different kinds of marketing techniques can help in achieving success, it is not strange why many businesses of different types rely on direct mail services. Nowadays, it is more difficult for consumers to learn about newly opened business in their neighborhood, new product or even sale and discount offers through traditional ways of advertising such as television or newspapers. This is mainly due to the fact that we all have little or no free time. And the free time we do have to watch TV or read newspaper, we all try to spend it as qualitative as possible listening and reading about the latest happenings in the country and world. And marketers are very much aware of this which is why they turn to mailing services as latest numbers show that over 75% of people still read their mails.
You may argue that this is not true as we live in a digital era when everything evolves around computers and internet. Well, even though internet has become major part of almost any business and life related task, very small percentage of people open or read emails from unknown sources. In fact, it is believed that over 30% of all email is spam email. And this is the main reason for low email deliverability. This brings us back to direct mail marketing, since mail deliverability is very high and it offers other numerous advantages.
First of all, with direct mail service companies can select and target a specific kind of audience, the once they believe will mostly be interested in hearing and learning more about their products or services. Also, this allows a more personal approach with customers which is always appealing. Trust is the base of any relationship and direct mail services offer exactly this. You’ll be able to gain the trust of your targeted audience faster than with speedy emails. Another good thing is that competition is not as high as is in online marketing, so bulk mail services will ensure a successful marketing campaign. And that’s exactly what marketers seek – high customer response and return on their investment. Thus, direct mail marketing is a very useful method that can help any company achieve its goals in a more efficient and effective way.