How important is choosing the right fuel type

How important is choosing the right fuel type

petrol type

When you’re car shopping, a lot of questions pop up in your head. Should I buy a hatchback or a sedan? Should it be black or more of a lively color? Should it have any extra equipment? Should I buy new or used car? Don’t worry, you are not being over paranoid as this is a long-term investment decision. And you’re have the right to be picky in order to make a perfect cost-effective choice of convenience, flexibility, durability, comfort and appeal.

Cost-efficiency is what we are interested in this article. And because cost-efficiency is directly influenced by the type of fuel your potential new car will be using, you are really making a choice based on type of fuel. Most common types of power sources for cars today are: petrol, diesel, liquified petroleum gas and most recently – hybrid motor cars or cars that run on electricity and gas. LPG gas conversion in Melbourne has also become a recent trend among car owners as it brings lots of benefits.

We’ll start with petrol, as it was first to be used in an internal combustion engine – type of engine that most cars use. Petrol as a fuel comes in different versions based on octane levels. The octane levels show the quality of the fuel or how well it can be controlled when you ignite the car. For instance, low octane petrol can cause uncontrolled burns inside an engine compared to high octane petrol. Compared to diesel as its direct counterpart, petrol based engines are more expensive and many owners undergo LPG conversion procedures to avoid high prices of petrol gas on the market.

And while you’ll surely save money on fuel if you invest in a car with a diesel-based engine, you should know that engines which run on diesel provide lower power to the wheels and heavier start while driving. Yet, these cons are not something that will influence your final decision of buying a diesel car. Diesel fuel has its positive sides as it is more Eco-friendly burning 15 % less carbon dioxide that petroleum. Maintenance costs are overall higher than for petroleum-based engine cars, but there are differences between different brands and service parts.

To make things clear, LPG conversion translates as a process of converting your car engine to run on liquified petroleum gas rather than standard petrol or diesel fuel. There are two major benefits or reasons for doing this. First, LPG conversion will reduce fuel costs and second, LPG converted cars are along hybrids, most efficient in CO2 emissions. Some reports say that about 40% drop in cost can be achieved for some car models. Quite impressive right? 


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