decorative led lights

How to Include LED Lighting in Your Home and Office Design

When used correctly, colourful LED lights may give your home an appealing and futuristic look. LED light strips have gone a long way, so you can say goodbye to your year-round Christmas lights in favour of something more modern. Because these strips are thin and flexible, they can be placed in locations where standard bulbs cannot, such as under cabinets and inside drawers.

This also means they’re practical: they can reveal what’s going on in the back of the fridge or under the bed. Some variants can even be customised to fit your needs. Your LED strip placement options are primarily limited by your imagination, where you have an outlet, and where you don’t mind a little tape or glue.

Business Messages and LED Signs

office messages and signs as led lights

It’s all about communication when it comes to signs. Various sorts of signage are better suited for expressing various types of messages. LED message centres are one of the most effective ways to deliver a lot of information. If you’re still not convinced, have in mind with an advantageous led light base you can establish a schedule for when certain messages should appear. Also, you can show certain content just on Fridays from 9:00-11:00 a.m., for example.

They’re quite adaptable, and you may modify the content as often as you like. The best part is that you can do it anytime you want. The practical acrylic led lights last a long time and are a more energy-efficient alternative to neon lights which also makes them perfect for home use as decorations. These signs are particularly cost-effective, because they need to be replaced less frequently, and come in different colours and additional features that take us a step closer to the priorly-unimaginable future.

Light Up the Stairs

led strip lights for stairs

With LED lights, open-riser steps look very attractive, and they’re also functional because those gaps can be especially dangerous at night but you might be too blurry-eyed to want a full-fledged assault on your eyes. If you don’t want a non-stop operation, there are ways to make the lights turn on automatically as you walk down the stairs for a midnight snack.

Beautify Your Picture Frames or Mirrors

Do you know how in old movies starlets usually glance into vanity mirrors surrounded by light bulbs? By covering the reflected surface with bulbs, you may achieve a more delicate appearance while retaining all of the reflected surfaces.

This also works for picture frames! Simple lightbox frames can be found online if you’re searching for a quick solution to make your family photographs stand out. If you’re more of a do-it-yourselfer, some step-by-step instructions online will show you how to make an illuminated decoration that’s just as cool — or you can just buy one. Alternatively, you can just use a properly picked strip to encircle an existing frame that you like.

How Would You Like a Futuristic Living Room?

Under the couches in some chic lounges are amazing glowing lights. You can replicate the look by putting LED lights under your couch and enjoy the lovely atmosphere. Also, if you put some LEDs under your bed, you’ll never lose a sneaker again.

Your Shelves Can Be Even More Practical

Shelves are fantastic for organising, but if you want them to also serve as showcases for the items they store, LED lights are a great addition. You could use simple white ones or follow the instructions to make box shelves into colour-coded exhibits.

Use It for Your Kitchen and Refrigerators Too

If you’re worried about your fruit going bad and you have leftovers from three holidays ago stashed away in the back of your fridge, it’s time to upgrade your icebox lights. Higher-end models may come with extra bulbs, but for older and less expensive models, you may do it yourself quickly and inexpensively. Add a motion sensor and timer so that the lights aren’t always on.

A Strip of Light Under Your Cabinets and Bars

strip led light under a home bar

While a strip of lights under the cabinets may be entirely useful, allowing you to see your crockpot a little better, a colour-changing strip for your bar will just make it appear incredibly fantastic. It’ll look great next to your already illuminated couch and sofas.

Take Your Home Spa to the Next Level

Although water and electricity do not mix, you can use LED light strips around your tub to create an ethereal glow as you relax. The remainder of the nature-inspired ambience, on the other hand, may be more difficult to come by. You can add some strips under the tub if they have at least an IP65 waterproof rating (these can also look great around some sinks). The addition of a led light base and insert on the vanity could also uplift the décor scheme in your bathroom.

LED Can Work Outside Just as Well

led lights in patio

Should you want to boost your outdoor ambiance too, waterproof LED lights are available for use outdoors and even in swimming pools. Still, you might need to hire an expert because it involves electricity and water. Also, the patio gets a little less welcoming as dusk turns to darkness. Sure, gazing at the stars (or city lights, depending on your location) is romantic, but it’s good to see your drink or the person you’re conversing with. Although outfitting the deck with a pair of LED flood lights or strips is more time-consuming and costly, the result is beautiful.