Prepare For Your Newborn’s Arrival

Prepare For Your Newborn’s Arrival


Pregnancy is the most exciting part of every woman’s life. Aside from being concerned with questions such as: Will I be a good mother? Will I know how to care for my baby?, many pregnant women want to know what they’ll need once the baby arrives and when is the best time to start shopping. It’s never too early to start getting ready for the arrival of your newborn. In fact, pregnant women should avoid long walks in the last weeks of pregnancy which is why it is best to have everything ready, from bottles and diapers to cribs and strollers before 36th week of pregnancy. So, plan early. Also, keep in mind that babies outgrow newborn clothes quickly, so it’s wise to borrow from a friend, sibling or a close relative.

Things you’ll need for a baby for the first 3 months

  • Clothes: 6-12 one-piece outfits, 6-12 T-shirts, 6 leggings, 1 sweater or jacket, 5 pajamas, 3 hats, socks, soft booties, 5 burp cloths
  • 3-5 soft baby blankets, 2 wearable blankets, 2 sets of crib bedding,
  • Feeding: 2 bottle sets, 2 pacifiers, nursing pillow, warmer and sterilizer
  • Bathing Accessories: bath tub, 2-3 towels, cotton swabs, 3-5 washcloths, shampoo, body wash, body lotion, grooming kit
  • Diapers, wipes, diaper cream and ointment, thermometer, humidifier, first aid kit,
  • Crib, mattress, baby monitor, crib mobile
  • Car seat, stroller and stroller/car seat toys


Once you have bought everything you think is needed, it is necessary to wash every item, from clothes to toys. Wash clothes separately on gentle cycle and air dry them outside on the sun. Bedding, blankets and plush toys can be washed together. Always use mild detergent and fabric softener, preferably the one designed for baby sensitive skin and never wash baby stuff with your clothes. Disinfect every piece of furniture in the baby’s room and air the room regularly.

Many first-time mothers make common mistakes when it comes to toys. They buy a lot of toys and most are not age-appropriate. For the first three months, it is best to keep baby’s room clutter-free. To be more precise, buy only crib mobile and few plush toys. For appropriate toys for newborns, browse online for baby toys Australia and read customers’ reviews on which toys best capture baby’s attention and calms when crying. It is best to keep it simple since baby’s room needs to be super clean at all times so buy only necessary and avoid unwanted dust build-up.


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