Not all of us have the time to go on longer hikes. Even though we may want to, sometimes our busy schedule doesn’t allow it. However, you can go on a shorter day hike and make yourself happy for the day. The beauty of this option is that during these hikes you don’t need to bring a lot of equipment. There’s no need for a tent or a bivy bag, but you should still take some essentials.
Daypack Backpack

Do you know what a daypack is? Have you ever heard of it? It’s basically a smaller version of a regular hiking backpack. It’s also lightweight but not as big. It’s enough for several essentials, usually smaller items. Finding a high-quality, durable hiking backpack daypack can change your hiking experience for the better and make the hike easier and more pleasant.
The main difference between a daypack and a regular backpack is the size. Daypacks usually have the capacity to hold around 15L-35L. The 15L one is good for carrying a laptop, a water bottle and a few smaller items. A 35L one will hold more, including a first aid kit and some food items, though still not as much as the big 65L. The convenient and lightweight daypacks are also budget-friendly. They’re cheaper than big, regular hiking backpacks.
If you decide to invest in a hiking backpack daypack, make sure you buy it from a reliable brand. Someone who has a lot of experience with hiking equipment and understands the needs of their customers is a safe choice. Daypacks don’t usually have internal frame support. There is some padding on the back to make the hike more comfortable. There’s no padding because a daypack is meant to be compressible.
Because it’s not meant for longer hikes, there’s no support or padding in the shoulder straps. Sometimes there will be a hip strap and a sternum strap. Both of these will prevent it from wobbling around. These backpacks are loaded only from the top, compared to regular backpacks that can have side and bottom openings for storage.
The material you choose also matters. The two main choices are leather and canvas. Leather is a great, very durable option. It’s also stylish and looks good in any setting. Canvas is a sportier option. It comes in many colours, it’s strong and can withstand a lot of wear and tear. There are also plenty of nylon alternatives nowadays, beloved for the hardwearing properties. Overall, whichever daypack you choose, rest assured it’s going to be very versatile; it’s a great investment for every experienced and beginner hiker who likes to go on daily adventures.
Good Shoes
The two main things to consider when looking for good hiking shoes are durability and comfort. Don’t compromise on these things because hiking will lead you to rough terrain and extreme weather conditions and the shoes should withstand more wear and tear. There are three main types of hiking shoes you can choose from:
- Low-cut shoes have flexible soles. They’re good for long-distance hikes or a day hike.
- Hiking boots are better for longer walks on uneven terrain.
- Backpacking boots are the toughest of them all. They’re great for not-so-friendly terrain and long walks. Because they’re high-cut, they also give you more ankle support and stability.
There are people who like hiking trainers because they feel more comfortable in them. These trainers are made of high-quality materials, have a grippy outsole to prevent slips and falls and midsole foam for comfort. Leather is the most popular hiking shoe material. Just like with the hiking backpack daypack made of sturdy fabrics, these shoes will be durable, stylish and good-looking.
If you want some lightweight boots, go for the ones made of nylon or split-grain leather. Other synthetic materials used for bootmaking are polyester and synthetic leather. These boots are easy to break in; they’re budget-friendly and lightweight. Just keep in mind that the fit is very important. Don’t buy anything that’s too loose or too tight. Otherwise, you’ll be uncomfortable.
Water Bottle
Staying hydrated during your hike is very important. Water will give you the energy and fuel to get through the whole hike. Because you’re wearing a hiking daypack, you won’t have a lot of room for a very large bottle or to bring more than three bottles. This mainly depends on your daily water intake and the terrain’s roughness.
If the hike is longer, take as much water as you can, especially if there are no natural water sources where you can refill your bottles. If you don’t want to deal with bottles, you can buy a hydration bladder. It’s a practical item that connects to your backpack and carries the water. No matter which option you choose, bring enough water.
Nutritious Food

Even if it’s just a day hike, you should bring some food with you. Always bring something that you want and like to eat, and don’t experiment too much so you don’t stay hungry. Carry your favourite food items, textures, flavours, and always bring fruits and vegetables. Nuts and seeds are another great energy source and perfect snacks for when you’re on the go.
Don’t bring fresh meat, replace it with jerky. It’s smaller and still has a good amount of protein. Backpackers also use dehydrated food packs that can be breakfast, lunch, or supper. All you need to cook them is boiling water. For an extra energy boost, bring a few protein bars.
First Aid Kit
A first aid kit should be a part of your hiking trip no matter how short it is. Even if it’s just for a few hours, it’s a must. These kits can be pre-made or you can make them on your own. They can include many items, but you should always have at least the basics, such as bandages, gauzes, scissors, anesthetic spray, gloves, masks, antibiotic cream, safety pins, triangular bandages, tweezers etc. Make sure everyone around you knows how to use it in case of an emergency.
Practical Multitool
This is a practical, multifunctional, and versatile tool to always have on hand, but it’s especially helpful when you go hiking. It has tools such as screwdrivers, scissors, pliers, blades, tweezers, can openers, corkscrews and much more. All of these tools can help you prepare food, cut ropes, light a fire, and much more. The multitool can be made of three materials: stainless steel, aluminium and titanium. All of them are great options and good to have at hand.