The Most Common Types of Dental Sedatives

The Most Common Types of Dental Sedatives

A great number of Australians postpone or cancel their scheduled visits at the dentist because they experience fear and anxiety from the procedures. There are a lot of sleep dentistry products on the market that provide a safe and anxiety-free experience for those who fear the dentist. There is a common misconception that all sedation products induce sleep, but in fact, most of them allow the patient to stay awake during the procedure. The only substance that causes such effect is nitrous oxide. This substance can be found in products for sleep dentistry that are to be taken orally.

The reason why sleep dentistry products are so popular is because nearly all of them are taken orally, which means there are no needles (hooray!) and people are calmer because there’s no pain!
Some of these sedatives are so powerful that even sensations such as different smells or instances of physical contact that may occur during the operation won’t be remembered afterwards.
