The expression “The Big Six” is generally utilized inside distribution and book publishing circles to discuss the six biggest publishers and distributors in the business. Each one of these six publishers has a huge collection of imprints and many distribution centers that dwell with relative independence inside the bigger distributed umbrella. Here’s an outline of who the Big Six are and the place they fit in the present day corporate world:
Hachette is one of “The Big Six” book publishers in the World. This company was established in 1826 in France by Louis Hachette and it was known by the name Bredif, a distribution organization and a bookstore. 20 years later the name changed to L. Hachette et Compagnie, later on changed to Librairie Hachette and to Hachette SA in 1977. In 1992 the distributed resources of Hachette SA were gathered into an auxiliary called Hachette Livre, the lead engraving of Lagardère Publishing. Hachette has its base camp in the fifteenth disfranchisement of Paris. In 1996 this company merged with the Hatier group. In 2006, it ventured into the United States when it acquired Time Warner’s book-distributed division, which was then renamed Hachette Book Group USA.
Georg von Holtzbrinck Publishing Group
Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck Publishing Group is another one of “The Big Six” book publishers known to the World. This company was found in 1948 and it’s based in Stuttgart, Germany and this publisher owns many distribution centers and publishing companies all around the world. The most popular book that this company has published is the Salman Rushdie’s “The Satanic Verses“, Agatha Christie’s books, John Updike’s books, the “Nature and Scientific American” journal etc.
Penguin Group + Random House
The Penguin Group is known to the world as a trade book distributor and publisher, and is a part of the Penguin Random House. Pearson PLC and Bertelsmann are the owners of this world wide distributing organization and both of the companies merged into one, dividing the percentage of the ownership in 2013. Penguin Books has its registered office in London, United Kingdom. Besides that office, there are a large number of offices in the United States, Australia, South Africa, China, etc. Random House, as one of “The Big Six” is a part of the Penguin Group.
Harpercollins Publishers LLC is also a part of “The Big Six” alongside the previous mentioned companies, Random House and Simon & Schuster. This company was established in 1989, named by Harper & Row—an American distributed organization 1987. The CEO of this company is Brian Murray. HarperCollins has distributed centers in the United States, India, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and New Zealand. The organization distributes a wide range of imprints and a variety of books.
Simon & Schuster
The last one of “The Big Six” book publishers is known as Simon & Schuster Inc. This company is founded in New York City in 1924 by the two people the company is named after – Richard Simon and Lincoln Schuster and this company has published more than two thousand books annually under more the 30 different imprints.