How To Make This Summer Memorable For Your Kids

How To Make This Summer Memorable For Your Kids

outdoor-kids-toysSummer is almost here and your kids will finally be able to enjoy all the charms of nature. Just like you need a break from a busy work schedule, house chores and everyday life, so do your kids needed a break from school. Thus, be creative, amuse them and make every summer day a new adventure. After all, isn’t an adventure more or less an organized chaos? However, whether this summer will be memorable for both you and your kids, depends largely on you. Remember, you do not need to be a scapegoat in order for your kids to have fun. Quite the opposite, ‘having a good time’ is only when both you and your child are in good mood. Therefore, run, jump, laugh and try to have as much quality time as possible.

And do not forget to document every hour spent with your kids. Take photos, write a diary and collect memories (shells, stones, postcards etc.). You can even make few unforgettable art pieces with flowers, leaves and other plants. Load up on outdoor toys for kids, fun colorful paper, glue and few drawing tools and let your imagination run wild. The most important thing is to have fun. Therefore, pack those traveling bags and…

Go On A Picnic – Avoid kitchen on weekends. Instead of spending hours preparing meals, organize family picnics. Pack few refreshments, favorite salads, club sandwiches, some snacks and enjoy the nature. Experts say that even a short stay in the nature will make you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Same is true for children. Therefore, pack few blankets, balls, tennis set, few outdoor toys for kids, your kids water play toys and discover nature. Run barefoot in grass, climb trees looking for bird nests, smell flowers, feed squirrels etc. It’s important to have fun.

Visit Countryside – Most children that live in urban cities, rarely have the opportunity to experience country life. Your kids are probably fans of Zoos and are impressed with the animal world, thus, if possible, visit countryside. Allow kids to freely explore environment around them and show own emotions, even if it means fear, anger and confusion. In case, your kids show fear towards domestic animals help them overcome these emotions. Do not try to reassure them that there are no reasons for them to be afraid. Instead try to calm them and give explanations. Remember, fear may not at all be connected to the countryside, but it can arise from something in the nature that they associate with a fairy tale, movie or a bedtime story.

Walk The Beach – If there is a beach nearby, try to spend as much free time swimming and playing in the sand. Pediatricians say that swimming is not only fun, but also helps in better child development both physically and mentally, improves posture and helps correct various deformities of the spine and feet. Therefore, instead of spending a passive vacation just lying on a beach, make it an active one by introducing new fun games, playing with your kids water play toys, building sand castles, playing beach volleyball and visiting any nearby historical sites.


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