dog wearing a dog vest

A Furry Friend’s Ultimate Accessory: Features to Consider When Buying a Dog Vest

Everyone knows how unforgiving Canadian winters can be, often with frigid temperatures and harsh winds. These conditions not only affect humans but also our furry companions, who can also suffer from exposure to the cold. As humans, we have the advantage of being able to layer up and protect ourselves, but what about our four-legged friends?

While some breeds have natural insulation and can withstand colder temperatures, others may need some help staying warm. Even if your pooch has a seemingly thicker coat that can handle the cold, you should consider preserving their body heat to prevent any potential health issues that could arise from prolonged exposure. And what better way to do this than by getting an extra cozy and temperature-regulating dog vest?

Things to Consider When Choosing a Shock Collar for Effective Dog Training

Things to Consider When Choosing a Shock Collar for Effective Dog Training

Training a dog can be a long and tough experience without the right equipment. A training collar, also known as a shock collar, is an amazing tool that can help you control the behavior of your furry friend. The word ‘shock’ may make you a little concerned, but don’t worry – the level of shock these collars emit won’t harm your dog in any way. Instead, think of training collars as a firm electronic hand that can help your dog fall in line and obey your commands.

Remote collars are designed to work in different ways, any one of which may or may not be right for you and your dog. Although the best training collar for you and your dog depends partly on your dog training goals and your specific canine, there are certain features and considerations you should keep in mind no matter what.

Your Training Goals

shock collar for small dogs

Dog house

Choosing a Dog House That Meets All of the Requirements

If you own both a dog and a yard, it is only natural to think about getting a dog house. These houses are great for providing your furry friend with the needed protection regardless of whether you keep your dog outdoors at all times, or alternate depending on your needs.

Since the main goal of these houses is protection, choosing one that can meet all general requirements is a must. Portable, durable and roomy enough are the three main things you should look for in a dog house if you want to get the best out of it. But let’s not forget about insulation as well. An effective dog house should be able to protect it from extreme temperatures, wind, rain and snow.


How Dog Kennels Make Life Better

Before I move on to stating the facts about how dog kennels can make life better, I must say that whether kept inside or out, dogs are what makes our lives far more worthwhile and we all know why. It was not said in vain that “Happiness begins with a wet nose and ends with a tale!”

In order to be the good owner our furry friends adore, we must make sure that their basic needs are met, and although some people prefer to think that simply considering your dog a member of the family is enough, this may not be enough for dogs themselves.

Lead Walking

Lead Walking Your Dog

Does walking your dog feel like fighting a battle of strength between the two of you? Or maybe your furry little friend is the one who is walking you? If that is the case, stop right there, you are doing it all wrong. By no means should you let your dog walk in front of you while on the lead, because this is how you are reinforcing in his mind that he is the alpha here. Remember, the leader always goes first.