If your hair is thin and damaged even the best shampoos and conditioners will not help. They can help with maintenance, but will not restore it as would professional hair…
Most women have added natural hair extensions to their own hair. Maybe you think you do not know any, but surely a colleague or someone close, have extended hair. There…
Even with current cutting-edge technology that medicine is implementing, doctors and hair loss experts still cannot provide a universal and definite hair loss treatment. Hair loss has been and still…
Keeping up with beauty trends is not that easy. It seems as if new trends are being printed as fast as daily newspapers. Of course, majority of gratitude should be…
We all encounter stress on a daily basis. And while stress is inevitable, it is recommended to reduce it to normal as increased stress is one of the most frequent…
If you've been noticing extra strands of hair on your pillow and brush, it is best to visit your doctor immediately. The reason – you may be suffering from hair…
Hair loss or clinically known as alopecia areata seems to be a major predicament for many nowadays. According to statistics, about 70% of men suffer from this illness and is…